
Monday, November 11, 2013

Nov. 11 –  On this day in Montana history in 1918 at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month World War One ended. Newspapers were filled with the news. The Great Falls Daily Tribune had an ad and story buried in the back pages. “Victory Boys – Victory Girls Attention!” the ad screamed. It called on youth 12 to 18 to attend a rally and pledge to raise money on their own for the aid and comfort of those who had been involved in the fighting or in dangerous war production. It might carry a message for today. Many who are quick to offer the “Thank you for your service” to an active duty military member or veteran could almost be saying “have a good day.” One of the founders of the Victory Boys and Girls called for a new interpretation of thanking those who sacrifice. “(Youth) should be made to realize what true sacrifice means, because from their number in the years to come will be demanded a more unselfish leadership than has ever been demanded from their fathers and mothers.” The words were proved true by future wars. It should never be forgotten that freedom isn’t free and much is owed to those who give their all to stand for it. 

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